ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Deals with the technological aspects of electricity Concept of power generation and distribution


From a modest beginning in 2001, the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department in St. Ann’s College of Engineering & Technology (SACET), Chirala has now grown into a fully integrated department in the field of Engineering and Technology. It is an “education with future”. Learning how to inquire, converse and collaborate, the skill that never go out of date. The objectives of imparting education, combined with creation, dissemination and application of knowledge are being met in an integrated form to create a synergetic impact. To fulfill its mission in new and powerful ways, faculty, staff and student of the department strives to achieve excellence in every endeavour – be it education, research, consulting or training-by making continuous improvements in curricula and pedagogical tools.


  • The department of EEE has surpassed many milestones under the able and dynamic leadership of its HOD Dr. SVD Anil Kumar. Some of the notable achievements are:

      1. UG NBA accreditation – 2009-2016
      2. NAAC Accreditation  2011 and 2027
      3. Controller of Examinations/Officer In-Charge, Examinations – 2006 to Till date

    Having been associated with SACET from 2006, Dr. SVD Anil Kumar, has taken charge as the Head of the Department of EEE Dept. from 1st  July 2011 to 04th Dec 2016 and 01.03.22 to Till Date. He received B. Tech from S.V. University Thirupati, M.Tech from Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belgavi and Ph.D. from JNTUH, Hyderabad in 2018. He has 23 years of experience in teaching. He is a member of IEEE & ISTE. He published more than 35 Research papers in international journals and conferences. He attended more than 30 workshops and conferences and presented papers in National and International Conferences. His research interests are mainly focused on Harmonic analysis and Power Quality in power systems. He completed ATAL FDP in 2023-24 worth 3,50,000. He is supervising one PhD Scholar under JNTUK.


M.Tech, Ph.D
Professor & HOD- Department of EEE.


Vision is to the educate the students of EEE Department to the global standards so as to excel on Par with students of premier institutions maintaining Professional ethics.


The mission is to strengthen the department in the area of professional Research and Innovation,

Entrepreneurship Development, Industry Institution Interaction so as to sustain the development

In the area of Electrical & Electronics Engineering and making the students competitive in the

Global market.     

  • Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
  • Program Outcomes (POs)
  • Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
  • BOS
PEO No             Program Educational Objectives Statements
            PEO1 To prepare Graduate Engineers with good knowledge of Electrical and Electronics Engineering along with the basic sciences.
            PEO2 To train the Graduate with theoretical & practical knowledge for solving real life problems with creative skills.
            PEO3 To build the students capabilities to comprehend and solve multi-disciplinary nature of engineering & technological problems along with knowledge of professional ethics & life skills
            PEO4 To produce graduates to adapt for the change in needs of modern electrical industries, needs of society and inculcate abilities to pursue higher education.

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,  modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual,  as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

PSO1: Acquire knowledge to face competitive examinations like GATE,GRE and TOEFL  etc.

PSO2: Ability to Analyse design and model various Electrical components, machines and equipment’s

PSO3: Take up challenges in the profession in the fields of Power Generation, Transmission and  Distribution, equipment design and related fields.

PSO4: Ability to solve economic and social problems maintaining the balance between professional

            and ethical responsibility

  • Faculty Development Programs (FDPs)
  • Research Publications
Academic Year -2024-2025

List of Faculty attended Faculty Development Program:

Sl.No Name of the FacultyTitleInstitutionPeriodDuration
1Dr.SVD Anil KumarRecent Trends in Electrical Vehicles & Smart GridDr.Y.S.R.Anu College Of Engineering And Technology1st&2nd March 20242days
2Dr.SVD Anil KumarState level one day work shop on Academic Bank of Credits: Procedures,processes and CompliancesJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada11-03-20241day
3Dr.S.V.D.Anil KumarOutcome Based Education; Importance of Outcomes, Assessments and Evaluation for AccreditationVeladapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College14/08/2023-16/08/20233days
4Dr.GKaladharRecent trends in electrical vehicles & Smart gridDr.Y.S.R.Anu College Of Engineering And Technology1st&2nd March 20242days
5Dr.GKaladharPower converters and Control Techniques for Micro Grids and Electric VehiclesSt.Ann's College Of Engineering And Technology11/12/2023-16/12/20236days
6Mr.Y.NarayanaRaoBattery Management in EV-Integrated Micro grids for Sustainable Power Solutions(BMEVIM)Sreenithi Educational Group09/10/2023-13/10/2023One week
7Mr.Y.NarayanaRaoOutcome Based Education; Importance of Outcomes, Assessments and Evaluation for AccreditationVeladapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College14/08/2023-16/08/20233days
8Mr.P.S.G.Vara PrasadOutcome Based Education; Importance of Outcomes, assessments and Evaluation for AccreditationVeladapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College14/08/2023-16/08/20233days
9Mr.NVKoteswara RaoResearch Ethics in Higher EducationRani Anna Government For Women, Tirunelveli18/09/2023-25/09/20238days
10Mr.NVKoteswara RaoNavigating the Future with Green Energy Resources, Smart Grid Technologies & Emission Free Vehicle InfrastructureVishnu Institute Of Technology22/04/2024-27/04/20246days
11Mr.V.Sai Rama Rao PuppulaAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/2024One week
12Mrs.K.PrasanthiAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/2024One week
13Mrs.T.RenukaAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/2024One week
14Dr.T.Narasimha PrasadBattery Management in EV-Integrated Micro grids for Sustainable Power Solutions(BMEVIM)Sreenithi Educational Group09/10/2023-13/10/2023One week
15Mr.T.Narasimha PrasadPower converters and Control techniques for micro grids and electric vehiclesSt.Ann's College Of Engineering And Technology11/12/2023-16/12/20236days
16Dr.T.Narasimha PrasadAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/20246days
17Mr.S.Antony RajPower converters and Control techniques for micro grids and electric vehiclesSt.Ann's College Of Engineering And Technology11/12/2023-16/12/20236days
18Ms.K.LakshmiTriveniAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/20246days
19Ms.K.LakshmiTriveniBattery Management in EV-Integrated Micro grids for Sustainable Power Solutions(BMEVIM)Sreenithi Educational Group09/10/2023-13/10/2023One week
20Mr.K.Naveen BabuBattery Management in EV-Integrated Micro grids for Sustainable Power Solutions(BMEVIM)Sreenithi Educational Group09/10/2023-13/10/2023One week
21Mr.NasakaRaviKiranPower converters and Control techniques for micro grids and electric vehiclesSt.Ann's College Of Engineering And Technology11/12/2023-16/12/20236days
22N.RaviKiranAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/2024One week
23SravyaUmmareddyAI Implementation in Electric VehiclesSandipUniversity,Nashik,Maharastra22/04/2024-27/04/2024One week
24Mr.Arun KumarOutcome Based Education; Importance of Outcomes, assessments and Evaluation for AccreditationVeladapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College14/08/2023-16/08/20233days
25KurapatiRatnasunilOutcome Based Education; Importance of Outcomes, assessments and Evaluation for AccreditationVeladapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College14/08/2023-16/08/20233days
26KurapatiRatnasunilRecent trends in electrical vehicles & Smart gridDr.Y.S.R.Anu College Of Engineering And Technology1st&2nd March 20242days
27Dr.Babita JainOutcome Based Education; Importance of Outcomes, assessments and Evaluation for AccreditationVeladapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College14/08/2023-16/08/20233days
28Mr.L.V.Mahesh BabuBattery Management in EV-Integrated Micro grids for Sustainable Power Solutions(BMEVIM)Sreenithi Educational Group09/10/2023-13/10/2023One week
Academic Year 2022-2023:

List of Faculty attended Faculty Development Program:


Sl.No Name of the FacultyTitleInstitutionPeriodDuration
1Dr.SVD Anil KumarState level one day work shop for Universities and Autonomous colleges on "Implementation of Academic Bank of Credits(ABC)"Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada21.06.20231day
2Dr.SVD Anil KumarEmerging Technologies in Electrical EngineeringPace Institute Of Technology And Sciences28/11/2022-02/12/20225days
3Dr.GKaladharQuiz on basic Electrical EngineeringPrakasam Engineering college10.07.2022 to 16.07.2022One week
4Dr.GKaladharSPSS in ResearchStar International Foundation For Research And Education26/12/2023-30/12/20235days
5Mr.Y.NarayanaRaoEmerging Technologies in Electrical EngineeringPace Institute of Technology and sciences28.11.22 to 2.12.227Days
6Mr.P.S.G.Vara PrasadEngineering Physics and Materials ScienceChaitanya Bharathi Institute Of Technology03/08/2022-10/08/20228days
7Mr.NVKoteswara RaoPower QualityNPTELJan-Apr 2312 week course
8Mr.NVKoteswara RaoResearch MethodologyNPTELAug-Oct 238 Week Course
9Mr.V.Sai Rama Rao PuppulaRecent Trends in Unit Commitment Problem Considering Futuristic Electric VehiclesKKR &KSR Institute Of Technology And Science02/05/2023-08/05/20237days
10Mrs.K.PrasanthiQuiz on basic Electrical EngineeringPrakasam Engineering college10.07.2022 to 16.07.2022One week
11Mrs.K.PrasanthiEmerging Technologies in Electrical EngineeringPace Institute Of Technology And Sciences28/11/2022-02/12/20225days
12Mrs.T.RenukaEmerging Technologies in Electrical EngineeringPace Institute Of Technology And Sciences28/11/2022-02/12/20225days
13Mrs.T.RenukaEngineering Physics and Materials ScienceChaitanya Bharathi Institute Of Technology03/08/2022-10/08/20228days
14Dr.T.Narasimha PrasadIntroduction to IOTNPTELJan-Apr 2312 week course
15Mr.K.Naveen BabuEmerging Technologies in Electrical EngineeringPace Institute Of Technology And Sciences28/11/2022-02/12/20225days
16Mr.K.Naveen BabuRecent Trends in Unit Commitment Problem Considering Futuristic Electric VehiclesKKR&KSR  Institute Of Technology And Science02/05/2023-08/05/20237days
17Mr.NRaviKiranRecent Trends in Unit Commitment Problem Considering Futuristic Electric VehiclesKKR&KSR  Institute Of Technology And Science02/05/2023-08/05/20237days
18Mrs.NagalakhsmiRecent Trends in Unit Commitment Problem Considering Futuristic Electric VehiclesKKR&KSR  Institute Of Technology And Science02/05/2023-08/05/20237days


Academic Year 2021-2022

List of Faculty attended Faculty Development Program:

Sl.No Name of the FacultyTitleInstitutionPeriodDuration
1Dr.SVD Anil KumarResearch challenges in Electrical EngineeringRamachandra College of Engineering18.05.22 to 23.05.2022One Week
2Mr.G.KaladharNEP 2020 Implementation in Higher Education InstitutesSt.Ann's College Of Engineering And Technology09.05.2022 to 13.05.2022One Week
3Mr.Y.NarayanaRaoTechnological advances in power switching converters for renewable energy sources for E vehiclesBaptala Engineering College01.06.22 to 06.06.22One Week
4Mr.P.S.G.Vara PrasadResearch challenges in Electrical EngineeringRamachandra College of Engineering18.05.22 to 23.05.2022One Week
5Mr.N V Koteeswara RaoResearch challenges in Electrical EngineeringRamachandra College of Engineering18.05.22 to 23.05.2022One Week
6Mr.V.Sai Rama Rao PuppulaTechnological advances in power switching converters for renewable energy sources for E vehiclesBaptala Engineering College01.06.22 to 06.06.22One Week
7Mrs.K.PrasanthiResearch challenges in Electrical EngineeringRamachandra College of Engineering18.05.22 to 23.05.2022One Week
8Mrs.T.RenukaTechnological advances in power switching converters for renewable energy sources for E vehiclesBaptala Engineering College01.06.22 to 06.06.22One Week
9Mrs.NagalakhsmiIntegrative design approach - Energy conservation building codeAndhra Pradesh state government energy conservation mission14.12.2021 & 15.12.20212 days
10Mr.A.Purna Chandra RaoIntegrative design approach - Energy conservation building codeAndhra Pradesh state government energy conservation mission14.12.2021 & 15.12.20212 days
Academic Year -2024-2025
Papers Published in Journals:
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Paper Title Journal Name Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1. Dr.T.Narasimha Prasad Associate Professor Optimal power generation of proton exchange membrane fuel C24cell using ANFIS based MPPT algorithm Scientific reports 4, 26455 (2024). (Published 02 November 2024-SCI), SCIE
2 Dr.T.Narasimha Prasad Associate Professor Experimental and numerical investigations on amalgamation of mixed frequency carrier based asymmetrical 15 level multilevel inverter ElectrEng (2024). (16 November 2024-SCIE) SCIE
Academic Year 2024-2025:
Book chapter Published:
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Book Title Chapter Details Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1. Dr.S.AntonyRaj&Dr.S.V.D.Anil Kumar 1.Associate Professor 2.Professor Integrated Technologies in Electrical, Electronics and Biotechnology Engineering Chapter 96- Artificial intelligence based on Multi Objective Algorithm for Effective Load Forecasting CRC Press, 1st Edition, 2025,ISBN no- 9781003606208 Scopus
Academic Year 2024-2025:
Papers Published in Conferences:
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Paper Title Name of the Conference Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1 Dr.S.Antony Raj &Dr.T.Narasimha Prasad 1.Associate Professor 2. Associate Professor Design and Analysis of Photovoltaic System Based Single Phase Multilevel Inverter with Grid Integration," , Accepted International Conference on Advancement in Renewable Energy and Intelligent Systems, 2024 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/AREIS62559.2024.10893622. Scopus
Academic Year 2024-2025:
Published Patents:
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Patent Title Application Number Published date Indexing
1. Dr.S.Antony Raj   Associate Professor System and method for real-time detection and prevention of accidents involving large animals Or objects in critical zones Application No.202541006557 A, (Indian published Patent) 07/02/2025 Scopus
  Academic Year 2023-2024 Papers Published in Journals:  
Sl. no Faculty Name Designation Paper Title Journal Name Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1.             2 Dr.S.Antony Raj Associate Professor Experimental design and analysis of advanced three phase converter for PV application with WCO‑P&O MPPT controller Scientific Reports 14, no. 1 (2024): 10984., SCIE
2.             3 Dr.S.Antony Raj Associate Professor CGFSSO: The Co-Operative Guidance factor based Salp Swarm Optimization algorithm for MPPT under partial shading conditions in photovoltaic systems International Journal of Information Technology, Springer Publishers. 2024 May 28:1-6. Scopus
3. Mr. N .VenkataKoteswara Rao Assistant Professor Multilevel Inverter with Enhanced THD Value used in Grid Connected Applications WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.14, April 2, 2024. Scopus
4. Mr. N .VenkataKoteswara Rao Assistant Professor Grid-connected Systems Powered by Solar Energy Implemented with Fuzzy based Voltage Source Converters WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.8, March 12, 2024. Scopus
5. Mr. N .VenkataKoteswara Rao Assistant Professor Enhanced Model of Hybrid Controller for Smooth Switching of Energy Sources Used in Electric Vehicle Application WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.2, April 1, 2024 Scopus
Academic Year 2023-2024:
Books Published:
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Book Title Name of the Publishers Year,Volume,Issue and page number
1. Dr.T.Narasimha Prasad & Dr.G.Kaladhar 1.Associate Professor 2. Associate Professor A Brief overview of Dynamic model of Grid Connected PV System BP International Publishers. Vol. 9, 19 March 2024, Page 160-174,, ISBN 978-81-971580-0-1 (Print), ISBN 978-81-971580-7-0 (eBook), DOI: 10.9734/bpi/taer/v9
                                  DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Academic Year 2022-2023: Papers Published in Journals:  
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Paper Title Journal Name Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1. Dr.S.V.D.Anil Kumar Professor Design And Characteristic Mode Analysis Of A Pentagon-Shaped UWB Antenna Telecommunications and Radio Engineering Vol. 81, Issue 11 Scopus
2. Dr.S.V.D.Anil Kumar Professor A Technique for Detecting Wormhole and Jellyfish Attack in MANET” Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, ISSN: 2094-0343 2326-9865 Scopus
3. Dr.G.Kaladhar Associate Professor Optimal UPQC location in power distribution network via merging genetic and dragonfly algorithm SPRINGER, Evolutionary Intelligence 15(2), 1219–1232. Scopus
4. Dr.T.Narasimha Prasad Associate Professor Power management in hybrid ANFIS PID based AC–DC micro grids with EHO based cost optimized droop control strategy, Energy Reports Volume 8, 2022, Pages 15081-15094, ISSN 2352-4847. SCIE
5. Dr.N.Babita Jain Professor A Technique for Detecting Wormhole and Jellyfish Attack in MANET Pages: 1529-1539 Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, Vol. 71 No. 4, Aug, 2022, ISSN: 2094-0343 2326-9865 Scopus
    Academic Year 2022-2023: Papers Published in Conferences:
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Paper Title Name of the Conference Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1. L.V.MAHESHBABU Assistant Professor Design of P-Q Theory Controller Based Solar PV System with Shunt Active Filter to Improve Power Quality 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) Karnataka, India. June 24-26, 2022 Scopus
                              DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Academic Year 2021-2022 Papers Published in Journals:  
Sl.NO Faculty Name Designation Paper Title Journal Name Year,Volume,Issue and page number Indexing
1. Mr.G.Kaladhar Assistant Professor Modified whale optimization-based optimal location of UPQC in distribution system for power quality improvement Int. J. Power Electronics 2021,June 7, pp 119-142 Scopus